Happy Fall Y'all! October is finally here and the temperatures are only two digits! It's cool enough to put an extra blanket on the bed and that makes for some good sleep. So far, we have our first gallon of apple cider, my girls have baked cake pops and are wearing their fall boots we bought this summer. I truly love this time of year!
It is the beginning of the week and it's going to be a busy one and as I type this the girls are getting ready for school, I still need to get ready for work and I can't find the crockpot roast recipe that is amazing and that is what's for dinner tonight.
Have a blessed day!!
In Him,
Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Summer is in full swing!
Happy July! This brings some pretty serious summer heat to Texas and some pretty high electric bills that keep the house somewhat cool. It's been a great summer so far - swimming, going on picnics in the evening when the temps are only two digits versus three, church camps and lots of planning to be more organized! We have saved crickets from drowning, watered flowers that wilted in the Texas heat, eaten popsicles, stayed up late, slept in and had lots of sleepovers so far. Oh and don't forget the One Direction Concert in certain triple digit heat in an outside amphitheater, yes outside! LOTS of screaming girls! Great memories though and the fresh squeezed lemonade was right on time.
The girls are involved in different summer camps and mission trips and it is strange when one is missing from the nest. As we speak,we have one in Florida with a friend and shortly after she comes back, two are leaving for a local mission trip to lead Vacation Bible Schools in the inner city. I am so proud that they are reaching beyond themselves and giving to others.
Have a blessed and cool July - will be posting much more this month!
In Him,
The girls are involved in different summer camps and mission trips and it is strange when one is missing from the nest. As we speak,we have one in Florida with a friend and shortly after she comes back, two are leaving for a local mission trip to lead Vacation Bible Schools in the inner city. I am so proud that they are reaching beyond themselves and giving to others.
Have a blessed and cool July - will be posting much more this month!
In Him,
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Now it really has been a while since I posted anything! The laundry fairy is officially back in town! I have been out taking classes on becoming a Real Estate Agent. Crazy? Maybe, but so far I am really enjoying the classes. It's been many (and I mean many!) years since I have done anything to educate myself outside of bible studies. Well, I took some sign language courses at my church in Florida, and I thoroughly enjoyed that, but that's about it. Now that the kids are getting old enough, I feel more freedom to pursue something I am interested in. The classes have me away from home much more so I am trying to nail a schedule down so the house doesn't fall apart and nobody starves. So far, everyone is still fed but the laundry is behind miserably. I don't know how parents who work full time or more outside the home can do it. I haven't planned a menu in...hmmm, I can't remember now. Yikes!
School is finally out here so the kiddos can relax and sleep in. So it's time for the summer schedule of sleepovers, swimming and late night movies. That means lots of popcorn, baking cookies at 10:00 at night, and extra feet running around. I would much rather them hang out here than to be running around town. So, in light of summer (and fending off the inevitable "I'm bored") we are going to have a "Craft Day" each week. I will let the kids brainstorm on what they want to do, from making homemade play-do to learning to sew basics. Maybe making homemade soaps or canning fruit. Who knows? If it means they are putting their phones down and turning the television off then I am all for it. I will post some of their ideas and pics as we go. As I type that, I realize I need to find the cable to my camera so I can upload pictures, but I'm not sure where it is. Let's just put that on the to-do list for tomorrow!
Happy Summer!
In Him,
School is finally out here so the kiddos can relax and sleep in. So it's time for the summer schedule of sleepovers, swimming and late night movies. That means lots of popcorn, baking cookies at 10:00 at night, and extra feet running around. I would much rather them hang out here than to be running around town. So, in light of summer (and fending off the inevitable "I'm bored") we are going to have a "Craft Day" each week. I will let the kids brainstorm on what they want to do, from making homemade play-do to learning to sew basics. Maybe making homemade soaps or canning fruit. Who knows? If it means they are putting their phones down and turning the television off then I am all for it. I will post some of their ideas and pics as we go. As I type that, I realize I need to find the cable to my camera so I can upload pictures, but I'm not sure where it is. Let's just put that on the to-do list for tomorrow!
Happy Summer!
In Him,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Cardinal's song
It feels like it's been forever since I posted - I sure have missed it! Hope this finds you all well.
I had a wonderful blessing this morning that I would like to share. I woke up and heard a cardinal outside my window beginning his morning song. I adore cardinals and can sit and watch them for hours. They are remarkable. Anyway, he was as loud as my alarm and just as persistent. I got up and fixed my coffee and went to let the dogs out and he was still singing. Except his song had changed. Normally he doesn't change up mid-song, but he did this time and it made me stop where I was. The thought that overwhelmed me was that he was singing a song that God created him to sing. Then I started thinking about how God has created us to praise him, just like the cardinal. Was the bird praising his Creator?
I had a wonderful blessing this morning that I would like to share. I woke up and heard a cardinal outside my window beginning his morning song. I adore cardinals and can sit and watch them for hours. They are remarkable. Anyway, he was as loud as my alarm and just as persistent. I got up and fixed my coffee and went to let the dogs out and he was still singing. Except his song had changed. Normally he doesn't change up mid-song, but he did this time and it made me stop where I was. The thought that overwhelmed me was that he was singing a song that God created him to sing. Then I started thinking about how God has created us to praise him, just like the cardinal. Was the bird praising his Creator?
Psalm 150:6 "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD"
How can we praise him? Through song, actions, prayer, serving, our lifestyles, even tears. We all have ways that are special to us when we feel connected to God. The important thing is that we are sincere in our hearts and thank him for who he is in our lives and how he has changed our lives. I personally find that connection through song and most Sunday's I don't make it through the worship portion without tears running down my face. My kids can attest to that - they ask me if I'm okay and I just smile and say yes. I really should carry mascara with me or wear waterproof.
All of this came from a Cardinal's song? Yes, it did and I will look forward to listening to him when he praises again.
Have a blessed day,
In Him,
Monday, May 7, 2012
I can feel summer coming!
It's been a busy weekend and Monday is surely here - Laundry Time! The washer is up and running and the dryer is still going strong. School is almost out here and I can feel the pull of summer heading this way. I am seriously looking forward to it! I love having the kids home from school and being able to ditch the clock occasionally. Yesterday was a wonderful glimpse of summer - the girls went swimming for the first time this year, we cooked out steaks, grilled corn on the cob, and had a delicious dinner (I will post a new potato salad recipe on the recipe page - yummy!) and had a cup of coffee on the porch with my hubby. I try not to take these kinds of moments for granted and just savor them. When I think of summer I think HOT (we are in Texas after all). Lots of swimming, cooking out, gardening, and creating fun new drinks for the kids to keep them cool.
Trying new recipes that are fresh and light for summer and evenings outside in the breeze on the hammock. Every year I try and get my two youngest to go to the library to check out some fun books for the summer. I would love to have them read at least one book a month, not too much to ask, right? It hasn't caught on yet, but I am hopeful this year. I am not trying to infringe on summer, but I do know that if they read even a little, it can keep their minds working in between school years. I remember reading a lot during the summers, especially since we didn't watch much television and home computers weren't even out yet, much less smart phones. I played outside most of the day and read during the boring times. Now it seems like it's all sleepovers, movies, and constant motion is the norm. I think I will try and come up with some fun summer activities for the girls and their friends to do. I am open to suggestions too if you have one.
Feel free to post a comment with any ideas that are electronic free!
Have a beautiful and blessed week!
In Him,
Trying new recipes that are fresh and light for summer and evenings outside in the breeze on the hammock. Every year I try and get my two youngest to go to the library to check out some fun books for the summer. I would love to have them read at least one book a month, not too much to ask, right? It hasn't caught on yet, but I am hopeful this year. I am not trying to infringe on summer, but I do know that if they read even a little, it can keep their minds working in between school years. I remember reading a lot during the summers, especially since we didn't watch much television and home computers weren't even out yet, much less smart phones. I played outside most of the day and read during the boring times. Now it seems like it's all sleepovers, movies, and constant motion is the norm. I think I will try and come up with some fun summer activities for the girls and their friends to do. I am open to suggestions too if you have one.
Feel free to post a comment with any ideas that are electronic free!
Have a beautiful and blessed week!
In Him,
Friday, May 4, 2012
Back in Business!
I can breathe a sigh of relief as of this afternoon. The repairman came and conquered the error message. The washer wasn't draining and it would stop after a few minutes into the drain cycle. I cleaned out the filter and thought that fixed it. It turns out there is a spot I didn't see where the washer drains that was completely blocked. He asked me if I used any kind of color catcher (sheets put in the wash to catch colors that may run) and I said I didn't. What I did use for a short time was a 3-1 sheet that you can put in the washer and toss in to the dryer as well. We bought these when we went on Spring Break to our favorite cabin in Tennessee. They were so easy to use and transport too. Unfortunately, they are NOT good for your washer! I won't name any brands, but he strongly suggested not putting any cloth or sheet products in the washer. I hope this helps someone from having to pay a repairman.
One positive thing came from this though. I asked him to show me what the part looked like and now I have learned something new. If it happens again, I will have another approach to fixing it myself.
On a fun note, the picture from yesterday's post got me thinking. We actually tried it and my daughter had a great time! It was just goofy enough to be fun (I wouldn't want it to be my main way of washing though!) and it got the job done. Kind of like stomping grapes. So hey, roll up your pantlegs and give it a try if your kids get bored. Maybe use towels and hang them out to dry - kind of like the old days.
Have a blessed weekend~
In Him,
One positive thing came from this though. I asked him to show me what the part looked like and now I have learned something new. If it happens again, I will have another approach to fixing it myself.
On a fun note, the picture from yesterday's post got me thinking. We actually tried it and my daughter had a great time! It was just goofy enough to be fun (I wouldn't want it to be my main way of washing though!) and it got the job done. Kind of like stomping grapes. So hey, roll up your pantlegs and give it a try if your kids get bored. Maybe use towels and hang them out to dry - kind of like the old days.
Have a blessed weekend~
In Him,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Well, my abilities as a laundry fairy are out of commission. Only until the repairman comes and hopefully brings the right part. My handi-man skills didn't solve the washing machine error so I had to call someone in for help. This means that I am on hold unless I want to hand wash clothes or find a laundromat. I am hoping that since I gave the appliance repair company the information on brand and model and error that they might have the parts needed to fix it tomorrow. What I expect is that they will have to order the part, which won't come in until next week. I will remain hopeful and positive. Once it's fixed though, watch out and watch the load count page because it will jump dramatically! You should see what is waiting to be done! Desperate times may call for desperate measures.
Here's a picture of how it may have to happen!
Hey maybe I will give it a try and get the kids to help - they might like it!
Have a great day and may your laundry be caught up!
In Him,
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Money saving tip
These days it seems like most people are looking for ways to trim the excess fat out of their spending or trying to make their money last longer. I am no exception. I wanted to share a way of saving money on something most of us use daily - laundry detergent. I used to be a loyal fan of Tide until our family started growing and it got be so expensive. Then I tried finding something else and after several years, landed on ALL detergent since it was free of dyes and perfumes. One of my daughters has eczema and other detergents seemed to aggravate it. I started looking for ways to make it myself and came across a very simply and inexpensive way to make my own. The only ingredients are water, Ivory soap, Borax and A&H Super Washing Soda (not baking soda). I find all of the ingredients at my local WalMart. Some recipes call for other bar soaps but I like this one enough that if it's not broke, I'm not fixing it.
The recipe is as follows:
1/3 bar of Ivory soap, grated
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup A&H Washing Soda
1 gallon water
Items needed:
1 empty plastic laundry detergent container
1 stock pot (large enough to hold a gallon of water easily)
1 wooden spoon
1 funnel ( I didn't have one handy so I cut a water bottle in half and inverted it - works fine)
Measuring cups
Please note: only use a stock pot or equivalent that you won't be using for anything else - I ruined a quality pot thinking it's only soap - it will wash off. I now have a very expensive soap making pot.
Just pour your water in and add the other ingredients and turn heat to medium. Stir about every 10 minutes or so to help the Ivory soap on top to break up. This takes roughly 30-45 minutes. The goal is to slowly melt the Ivory soap until it blends with the liquid. Depending on your stove, don't go too far away since it may boil over. On my stove, medium is consistent but medium-high can boil over. It will start getting goopy and this usually means it's done. Remove from heat and allow to cool. This can take a while so I make it in the morning and by midday, it's ready to pour. When it is cool - it will be like gelatin. Simply stir and if it's too thick, add a little water. Scoop or pour into empty plastic laundry detergent container. I use about 1/2 cup per load, remember this is not a concentrate.
Note: if you are in love with detergents because of the way they smell, you may not enjoy this. Some people may add essential oils to make it smell fluffy, but I haven't tried this yet.
Cost Breakdown
I purchase my ingredients at WalMart and have included pictures below.

The cost per gallon for the Borax is $.16 (76 oz div by 4 oz or 1/2 cup = 19, then cost div by 19)
The cost per gallon for the A&H Super Washing Soda is $.25 (55 oz div by 4 oz or 1/2 cup)
The cost per gallon for the Ivory soap is $.14 (3 bar pack at $1.33 div 9 - using 1/3 bar per gallon)
Grand total is $.55 per gallon. Sounds pretty good right? It gets better when you divide that by 32 which is the approximate number of loads per gallon using 1/2 cup per load. Drum roll please....$.01 (0.017) PER LOAD! I don't know about you but I love it! Compare that to Tide using their Tide 2x Ultra For High Efficiency Machinest Liquid Laundry Detergent, Original Scent, 150 oz priced at $17.97 online at WalMart. It will wash 96 loads (medium size) and 48 (large size) costing $.18 per load and $.37 per load respectively. I can easily wash 2-3 loads per day and over weeks and months that can really add up to a big savings. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought laundry detergent - it's been at least 6 months and I have only had to repurchase Ivory soap. I still use the traditional stain lifting spray and have found a way to stretch my fabric softener, but that is another story.
This works well for me and my family and it saves us quite a bit of money. If you find a good thing - share it! If you have another recipe or something you do to save money, post a comment and share your wisdom with others!
Have a clean laundry day!
In Him,
The recipe is as follows:
1/3 bar of Ivory soap, grated
1/2 cup Borax
1/2 cup A&H Washing Soda
1 gallon water
Items needed:
1 empty plastic laundry detergent container
1 stock pot (large enough to hold a gallon of water easily)
1 wooden spoon
1 funnel ( I didn't have one handy so I cut a water bottle in half and inverted it - works fine)
Measuring cups
Please note: only use a stock pot or equivalent that you won't be using for anything else - I ruined a quality pot thinking it's only soap - it will wash off. I now have a very expensive soap making pot.
Just pour your water in and add the other ingredients and turn heat to medium. Stir about every 10 minutes or so to help the Ivory soap on top to break up. This takes roughly 30-45 minutes. The goal is to slowly melt the Ivory soap until it blends with the liquid. Depending on your stove, don't go too far away since it may boil over. On my stove, medium is consistent but medium-high can boil over. It will start getting goopy and this usually means it's done. Remove from heat and allow to cool. This can take a while so I make it in the morning and by midday, it's ready to pour. When it is cool - it will be like gelatin. Simply stir and if it's too thick, add a little water. Scoop or pour into empty plastic laundry detergent container. I use about 1/2 cup per load, remember this is not a concentrate.
Note: if you are in love with detergents because of the way they smell, you may not enjoy this. Some people may add essential oils to make it smell fluffy, but I haven't tried this yet.
Cost Breakdown
I purchase my ingredients at WalMart and have included pictures below.

The cost per gallon for the Borax is $.16 (76 oz div by 4 oz or 1/2 cup = 19, then cost div by 19)
The cost per gallon for the A&H Super Washing Soda is $.25 (55 oz div by 4 oz or 1/2 cup)
The cost per gallon for the Ivory soap is $.14 (3 bar pack at $1.33 div 9 - using 1/3 bar per gallon)
Grand total is $.55 per gallon. Sounds pretty good right? It gets better when you divide that by 32 which is the approximate number of loads per gallon using 1/2 cup per load. Drum roll please....$.01 (0.017) PER LOAD! I don't know about you but I love it! Compare that to Tide using their Tide 2x Ultra For High Efficiency Machinest Liquid Laundry Detergent, Original Scent, 150 oz priced at $17.97 online at WalMart. It will wash 96 loads (medium size) and 48 (large size) costing $.18 per load and $.37 per load respectively. I can easily wash 2-3 loads per day and over weeks and months that can really add up to a big savings. I honestly can't remember the last time I bought laundry detergent - it's been at least 6 months and I have only had to repurchase Ivory soap. I still use the traditional stain lifting spray and have found a way to stretch my fabric softener, but that is another story.
This works well for me and my family and it saves us quite a bit of money. If you find a good thing - share it! If you have another recipe or something you do to save money, post a comment and share your wisdom with others!
Have a clean laundry day!
In Him,
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Shopping online
Can you remember back before online shopping was a glimmer in some programmers eye? I can too. I even remember when cell phones weren't around either, wow, or computers for that matter. I guess you can figure out about how old I am based on that. I do enjoy my smart phone, probably too much, and also enjoyed a childhood filled with riding bikes, playing outside and looking forward to Saturday morning cartoons. Yes, for those of you who may not know this, they only came on once a week. Gasp! I still have wonderful memories of my brother and I getting up while the color bars were still on the tv and sitting in front of the furnace vent in the winter. We also had a record player and listened to 33's. I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. Thank you Mom Dad.
These days it's not so easy. The computer has changed everything -some for the better and some not. I wouldn't be talking to you right now for instance. One of the positives is online shopping. I am a huge fan and have been so since we lived in Alaska. There is nothing like trying to box up Christmas presents and ship them 5,000 miles to family. Yes, online shopping, wrapping and delivery was a blessing to us! I still shop online frequently and I must give Amazon.com a shout out. My most recent purchase was some parts for our pool cleaner. Remember, I will try and fix it myself first. I needed 3 parts for the wheels and found them for $2.40 each. The total with shipping was around $12.00. I went to my local pool store and checked the retail price and they wanted $9.95 each. The employee asked if I needed help and I told her honestly that I was comparing prices to an online store (I was buying other items from them so I didn't feel too bad). She asked how much I was paying online and I think she got upset when I told her. She commented that if you buy online you have to wait a few days, but if I can save that much - I will wait! You can find pretty much everything on Amazon.com - I have purchased books, video games for the kids, and other items. You do have to check the sellers rating and I like to read the reviews of products before I buy them.
If you haven't used online shopping and would like to check it out, I put up a link for Mother's Day beside this post that will take you straight to Amazon.com. I hope you check it out and that it makes your life a little easier!
Oh, and check back tomorrow because I am trying a new recipe for Summer - I will let you know how it turns out and if it's really good, I will add it to my Recipe Page.
In Him,
These days it's not so easy. The computer has changed everything -some for the better and some not. I wouldn't be talking to you right now for instance. One of the positives is online shopping. I am a huge fan and have been so since we lived in Alaska. There is nothing like trying to box up Christmas presents and ship them 5,000 miles to family. Yes, online shopping, wrapping and delivery was a blessing to us! I still shop online frequently and I must give Amazon.com a shout out. My most recent purchase was some parts for our pool cleaner. Remember, I will try and fix it myself first. I needed 3 parts for the wheels and found them for $2.40 each. The total with shipping was around $12.00. I went to my local pool store and checked the retail price and they wanted $9.95 each. The employee asked if I needed help and I told her honestly that I was comparing prices to an online store (I was buying other items from them so I didn't feel too bad). She asked how much I was paying online and I think she got upset when I told her. She commented that if you buy online you have to wait a few days, but if I can save that much - I will wait! You can find pretty much everything on Amazon.com - I have purchased books, video games for the kids, and other items. You do have to check the sellers rating and I like to read the reviews of products before I buy them.
If you haven't used online shopping and would like to check it out, I put up a link for Mother's Day beside this post that will take you straight to Amazon.com. I hope you check it out and that it makes your life a little easier!
Oh, and check back tomorrow because I am trying a new recipe for Summer - I will let you know how it turns out and if it's really good, I will add it to my Recipe Page.
In Him,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phillippians 4:4
I can't get this out of my head so it's going on post first. I hope your morning has been blessed and your coffee is just right. I prayed this morning for God to give me a word to carry with me today and this is the one. I have come across the verse 3 times in the last week and I don't believe in coincidence so I am sharing it with you. By itself, this verse is powerful as it calls us to be able to rejoice in the Lord always, not just on Sunday mornings, or when our bubble feels just right. It says always. That's not so easy some days. We all face things that make us want to do the opposite of rejoice. Sometimes we want to wallow in self-pity, anger and resentment which is so much easier than choosing to rejoice in the Lord. The next few verses add to the beauty and power of verse 4.
Verses 5-7: "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".
When the storms of life come, and they will, go straight to God with them. The key is to go to him with a thankful heart. He is not a drive-thru service where you present your requests and out they come with straws and napkins. The answer may be "Yes, No or Later". Sometimes it takes me a few minutes when I go to him in prayer to peel off the layers of this world and my hectic schedule to truly be still before him. When I do this it allows me to recall countless things to be thankful for, first and foremost the sacrifice Jesus made for me so I can choose the gift of eternal life. When that peace of God fills me, everything changes back to focusing on him and not the worries of the world. I can rejoice in the Lord always because he is always there. There is nothing too big for my God.
I pray that you can find a quiet time to spend with God this week.
In Him,
I can't get this out of my head so it's going on post first. I hope your morning has been blessed and your coffee is just right. I prayed this morning for God to give me a word to carry with me today and this is the one. I have come across the verse 3 times in the last week and I don't believe in coincidence so I am sharing it with you. By itself, this verse is powerful as it calls us to be able to rejoice in the Lord always, not just on Sunday mornings, or when our bubble feels just right. It says always. That's not so easy some days. We all face things that make us want to do the opposite of rejoice. Sometimes we want to wallow in self-pity, anger and resentment which is so much easier than choosing to rejoice in the Lord. The next few verses add to the beauty and power of verse 4.
Verses 5-7: "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".
When the storms of life come, and they will, go straight to God with them. The key is to go to him with a thankful heart. He is not a drive-thru service where you present your requests and out they come with straws and napkins. The answer may be "Yes, No or Later". Sometimes it takes me a few minutes when I go to him in prayer to peel off the layers of this world and my hectic schedule to truly be still before him. When I do this it allows me to recall countless things to be thankful for, first and foremost the sacrifice Jesus made for me so I can choose the gift of eternal life. When that peace of God fills me, everything changes back to focusing on him and not the worries of the world. I can rejoice in the Lord always because he is always there. There is nothing too big for my God.
I pray that you can find a quiet time to spend with God this week.
In Him,
Monday, April 23, 2012
Trouble in Laundry Fairy land
Yes - we had some trouble yesterday with the washing machine and as I type this I have my fingers crossed that the trouble is over. I noticed the washer wasn't draining all the way and then saw the dreaded error code and the washer stopped. For some of you that may not mean much. For me, the last time this happened we went a record 18 days without use of both washer and dryer. The first 3 days were without the washer and the rest without the dryer. We managed to get through the washer issue without too much trauma, but boy not having a dryer was a challenge. There aren't too many laundromats around here, so I had to improvise and I wish I had pictures! We live in Texas and it gets really hot here in the summer. So I decided to use the natural dryer that God created and hang our clean wet clothes out back on the patio furniture. I strung up jump ropes and used them as drying lines. Our underclothes were cleverly placed where they wouldn't be seen by anyone. I will say even though the clothes weren't as soft as usual, they sure dried faster in the Texas sun. I think I got more laundry done during that time than ever before. We have a Homeowners Association here and they would not have been pleased with our back yard looking like the Beverly Hillbillies!
Anyway, I personally like to try and fix things first before I call a repairman. I do not mess with electrical, gas or plumbing stuff unless it's very, very general. I do watch the technicians and ask questions very sweetly so I can learn what they are doing. I feel more informed and have fixed many things myself that way. I did just that with the washer when he came out last time so I knew where to start. This time I opened the base of the washer (front loader) and checked the filter first. It usually eats socks and things. I didn't find socks, but I found bobby pins, coins, parts of jewelry and gook. Nice. Be aware though, it you check this, water will come out and flood your laundry room floor, so have lots of towels ready. This didn't fix the problem, so I checked the hose on the back and found nothing. Then I took off the screws on the back and took the top off so I could check the connections (I made sure to UNPLUG the washer first!) and put it all back together. So far, so good. I used the opportunity to clean out from under the washer which wasn't pleasant. But hey, at least it's clean again. I try to be smart and call a technician when I need one, but it doesn't hurt for women to know a little about the home they take care of. I will leave you with one important one - know where the water main is and have a way to turn it off in case of a broken pipe or water heater. Ours is at the street and you have to have a wrench or special tool to turn that thing. Just a tip!
Happy Laundry day!
Anyway, I personally like to try and fix things first before I call a repairman. I do not mess with electrical, gas or plumbing stuff unless it's very, very general. I do watch the technicians and ask questions very sweetly so I can learn what they are doing. I feel more informed and have fixed many things myself that way. I did just that with the washer when he came out last time so I knew where to start. This time I opened the base of the washer (front loader) and checked the filter first. It usually eats socks and things. I didn't find socks, but I found bobby pins, coins, parts of jewelry and gook. Nice. Be aware though, it you check this, water will come out and flood your laundry room floor, so have lots of towels ready. This didn't fix the problem, so I checked the hose on the back and found nothing. Then I took off the screws on the back and took the top off so I could check the connections (I made sure to UNPLUG the washer first!) and put it all back together. So far, so good. I used the opportunity to clean out from under the washer which wasn't pleasant. But hey, at least it's clean again. I try to be smart and call a technician when I need one, but it doesn't hurt for women to know a little about the home they take care of. I will leave you with one important one - know where the water main is and have a way to turn it off in case of a broken pipe or water heater. Ours is at the street and you have to have a wrench or special tool to turn that thing. Just a tip!
Happy Laundry day!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Organized - Please?
As I sit here with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand, it is the end of the week and so many thoughts are still running through my mind, mostly of things I didn't get done. I didn't wash the dogs, clean the shower, organize the pantry (again), clean out my truck or even send that email. Sigh. They will just have to wait until next week and if I am organized enough, they might even make my planner pages. I am an organized perfectionist trapped in an imperfect, unorganized body. I am drawn to tips on organization, simply lifestyles, living clutter free and have read books on how to be more organized, but seem to like creating the processes more than maintaining them. I love making lists (my Dad would be so proud!) and yes, I have actually made a list of lists to make.
Organization seems to go in cycles around here. But by the next time the cycle rolls around, the previous round is back to square one of disorganization. Granted we have a lot of people living in this house, 7 to be exact (not to mention 2 dogs), and each one has their own stuff . We purge and regularly donate items in good condition to our local Helping Hands which helps a bit. When I see areas that need to be organized, but instead of seeing just one area, I tend to lump all of the areas of need together and sometimes suffer from Analysis Paralysis. I have thoughts like "I can't get it all done - it's too much!" or " I will wait until I have more time". I think one problem is that I start a large or in depth project and have to stop after a short time to pick up kids or make it to a meeting. Then when I come back it, it feels like I have only made a bigger mess. My motivation is out the window. Can anyone else relate? I will set a few small goals this week such as:
1. Get my office and paperwork filed and organized.
2. Go through my pantry and organize one shelf per day.
3. Clean out my truck (even under the seats).
That covers three major areas for me, the office, kitchen and my second home, the truck.
If you are an organized person, please feel free to post tips and advice - I could always use it!
Have a blessed and organized day!
Organization seems to go in cycles around here. But by the next time the cycle rolls around, the previous round is back to square one of disorganization. Granted we have a lot of people living in this house, 7 to be exact (not to mention 2 dogs), and each one has their own stuff . We purge and regularly donate items in good condition to our local Helping Hands which helps a bit. When I see areas that need to be organized, but instead of seeing just one area, I tend to lump all of the areas of need together and sometimes suffer from Analysis Paralysis. I have thoughts like "I can't get it all done - it's too much!" or " I will wait until I have more time". I think one problem is that I start a large or in depth project and have to stop after a short time to pick up kids or make it to a meeting. Then when I come back it, it feels like I have only made a bigger mess. My motivation is out the window. Can anyone else relate? I will set a few small goals this week such as:
1. Get my office and paperwork filed and organized.
2. Go through my pantry and organize one shelf per day.
3. Clean out my truck (even under the seats).
That covers three major areas for me, the office, kitchen and my second home, the truck.
If you are an organized person, please feel free to post tips and advice - I could always use it!
Have a blessed and organized day!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Homemade soap?
I am not a serious naturalist, but the idea of getting back to life in a simpler way is very appealing to me. I grew up camping (loved it!) and I wonder if I wasn't meant to live on a farm, somewhat self -sufficient. I would have to go the store for my meat though, unless my husband would take care of that for me. Seriously, if we had farm animals, they would all have names therefore they would not end up on my dinner table! I love the idea of having a garden and canning jams, but I realistically live in suburbia so unless we move, it will remain a dream. There is something simply innocent when I think about hanging sheets on a line in the sunshine to dry. Appealing. There was a television series where modern families who voluntarily lived in a 3-4 house village with other families and they learned to truly live off the land the way it was done long before electricity. I can't remember the name, but it was fascinating. Watching teenagers used to texting learn to make soap and bread from scratch, mend fences, raise livestock and build barns - amazing! They came out of the experience so much richer. I may have to Google it.
On that simple life note, I am seriously thinking about trying to make my own bar soap. I want to see if it would be cheaper than buying it and I would feel pretty good about knowing what was in it and that I had made it for my family. I have been researching ingredients and how to make it. It is much more involved than I thought, but I am still going to try it. I want to make a simple lavender and maybe a vanilla to start off. There are lots of sites to order ingredients from but I am going to try and find the ingredients locally so I can actually see and smell them first. The only item I can't find easily is the lye. From what I have seen, using lye can be dangerous so I will have to educate myself on it. Who knows, if it goes well, I may start a homemade soap business and add lotions and such later. I will post later on what I find out. If any of you have any tips or advice, please post them.
In Him,
On that simple life note, I am seriously thinking about trying to make my own bar soap. I want to see if it would be cheaper than buying it and I would feel pretty good about knowing what was in it and that I had made it for my family. I have been researching ingredients and how to make it. It is much more involved than I thought, but I am still going to try it. I want to make a simple lavender and maybe a vanilla to start off. There are lots of sites to order ingredients from but I am going to try and find the ingredients locally so I can actually see and smell them first. The only item I can't find easily is the lye. From what I have seen, using lye can be dangerous so I will have to educate myself on it. Who knows, if it goes well, I may start a homemade soap business and add lotions and such later. I will post later on what I find out. If any of you have any tips or advice, please post them.
In Him,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Good day to you all! I didn't have time to post yesterday and barely time today! This Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) sure hasn't been home much. So I am behind on everything. This morning held two dental appointments, delivering Meals on Wheels, putting dinner in the crock pot and now it's off to pick up kids from 3 schools. Please don't get me wrong, I am not really complaining. I think the true heroes are the parents who work outside of the home and come home after a long day and still have to take care of the family and home. My virtual hat is off you my friends.
There is a group that I think is wonderful and uplifting - I AM SECOND. It is a rapidly growing movement that emphasizes and teaches on how to put Jesus Christ first and yourself second. The website link is www.iamsecond.com and it has many video testimonies of famous athletes, performers, musicians and people like you and me. The stories are real and they will move you. It will show you that so many in the limelight were in the dark and struggled in so many different ways. From abuse to addiction and more, they surrendered to Jesus and were brought from the darkness into the light of eternal life.
Colossians 1:13-14 "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Here is one video that is my favorite, being a Texas Rangers fan and all...
There is a group that I think is wonderful and uplifting - I AM SECOND. It is a rapidly growing movement that emphasizes and teaches on how to put Jesus Christ first and yourself second. The website link is www.iamsecond.com and it has many video testimonies of famous athletes, performers, musicians and people like you and me. The stories are real and they will move you. It will show you that so many in the limelight were in the dark and struggled in so many different ways. From abuse to addiction and more, they surrendered to Jesus and were brought from the darkness into the light of eternal life.
Colossians 1:13-14 "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Here is one video that is my favorite, being a Texas Rangers fan and all...
Please take a few minutes and check the website out - there are folks from many walks of life.
If you like this post, please click on the Join now button on the side to let me know.
In Him,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Starry Skies
Good Morning! The weekend is over and it is time to hit the laundry. I actually took a laundry break on Sunday, even Fairies need a day off sometimes. I had a precious moment last night with my Granddaughter. It was nice and cool outside and the stars were out when I stepped out back with her. I realized that was the first time she had been outside with me after dark. Normally she is asleep at that time, so I looked up and saw the stars were bright and the sky was clear. I pointed up at the brightest star and she saw it - maybe for the first time. She is 7 months old and is seeing many things for the first time. I love that age of wonder! As I watched her looking at the skies, I wondered what she was thinking. I feel very close to God and his creation when I stop and take in the stars. They truly are wondrous creations of the Creator. The bible says that He calls each one by name. We don't even know how many there are, yet He has a name for each one. That makes me feel so small but then I remember the verses in Psalm 139:13-14 that says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." It amazes and humbles me to know that the one who created the universe that we can't grasp the magnitude of, also knit me together. He calls us both by name. He is worthy to be praised.
Life can so fast with our schedules and the world trying to dictate what is important. Please take a deliberate moment to look and find God's hand around you. He will show you if you are willing to open your eyes and heart.
In Him,
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He knows every one by name |
Life can so fast with our schedules and the world trying to dictate what is important. Please take a deliberate moment to look and find God's hand around you. He will show you if you are willing to open your eyes and heart.
In Him,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Love Scentsy
The calendar is showing April and the temperatures are starting to hover around 80 degrees every day. Changes of Season call for changes of Scentsy smells. If you haven't heard of Scentsy and love candles like I did/do, check this product out. I will post a link as well so you can browse the catalog. Scentsy is a way to make your house smell wonderful without burning a candle. I know sometimes candles are great for ambiance and I still love them, but Scentsy is a safer and easier way to make your house smell like French Lavendar or a Cranberry Muffin or whatever your nose loves. There are different size warmers for large rooms, bedrooms and even bathrooms. I like the fact that I can create atmosphere in our living room that is different from the family room that is different from our bedroom. Sometimes I like to put the same scent in all rooms. There seem to scents for every possible mood and occasion. I wanted our living room to be light and sweet so I put in a fresh batch of Sweet Pea and Vanilla. After about 45 minutes, the whole front of my home smelled great.
The scent collections are large and they do have some that are available in seasons, but the new ones are fun to try too. They even have Masculine scents! I guess guys like them too. My two younger girls like the scent Surfer Girl and Flutter. Light and fun (and pink too!). I haven't gotten them a Scensty for their room because we are still working on keeping it clean - if they can manage that for a while, then we will talk. They want the Zebra Warmer - imagine that!
I know you may be thinking "What's the big deal about Scentsy?". For me, how the house smells can create moods of energy, relaxation and even comfort. Who doesn't like the smell of Apple Pie or Pumpkin Spice Roll? And let's be honest, a little boost in the bathroom can be a great thing. You can even combine scents.
My favorite warmers are the Miracle collection, but I just skimmed through the online catalog and I really like the new ones!
Here is the link to the main Scentsy Website, but you can scroll down to the bottom of my posts and I have posted a link to my Consultant. Contact her if you have any questions!
Just wanted to share this in case you like this kind of thing too.
Have a blessed day!
The scent collections are large and they do have some that are available in seasons, but the new ones are fun to try too. They even have Masculine scents! I guess guys like them too. My two younger girls like the scent Surfer Girl and Flutter. Light and fun (and pink too!). I haven't gotten them a Scensty for their room because we are still working on keeping it clean - if they can manage that for a while, then we will talk. They want the Zebra Warmer - imagine that!
I know you may be thinking "What's the big deal about Scentsy?". For me, how the house smells can create moods of energy, relaxation and even comfort. Who doesn't like the smell of Apple Pie or Pumpkin Spice Roll? And let's be honest, a little boost in the bathroom can be a great thing. You can even combine scents.
My favorite warmers are the Miracle collection, but I just skimmed through the online catalog and I really like the new ones!
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One of my favorites "Charity" |
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Chianti |
Here is the link to the main Scentsy Website, but you can scroll down to the bottom of my posts and I have posted a link to my Consultant. Contact her if you have any questions!
Just wanted to share this in case you like this kind of thing too.
Have a blessed day!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Passion for Genealogy
When it comes to history like specific dates, I am not overly interested and certainly don't retain much. You could ask my High School History professor if you can track him down. On the other hand, I relish taking my time in an antique shop packed with goodies. I don't tend to buy a lot of items since they all have to have a place once I get them home, but I really enjoy the history behind the items. Each piece had a home and hands that once used it. I can't help but wonder what the stories are behind them.
I look at my family tree much the same way. Every person has a story and for those in my tree I have never met, it opens what their life was like just a little bit. I subscribe to a online search company and can literally lose hours once I get going. The desire to search probably stems from being adopted as an infant. When you don't know where you come from, there is a certain void that goes along with it. So I research my adoptive parents history with gusto. Since my Dad passed away, I have felt a stronger desire to connect with his family through research and would ultimately love to share this with my Mom and siblings and family in book form. There is so much information out there and some days I feel like a kid at Christmas when I find an important link. I think my family thinks I'm nuts, but it's a passion. What are you passionate about?
This brings me to the idea of leaving a legacy for our children. I don't want to be just a name on a tree - I want my children and grandchildren to know where I stood and what my beliefs were, especially when it comes to faith. That is all I really can leave them. I want to leave them with that because I love them and pray that they stay true to God's word - it will never fail them or you. What will you leave your family?
In Him,
I look at my family tree much the same way. Every person has a story and for those in my tree I have never met, it opens what their life was like just a little bit. I subscribe to a online search company and can literally lose hours once I get going. The desire to search probably stems from being adopted as an infant. When you don't know where you come from, there is a certain void that goes along with it. So I research my adoptive parents history with gusto. Since my Dad passed away, I have felt a stronger desire to connect with his family through research and would ultimately love to share this with my Mom and siblings and family in book form. There is so much information out there and some days I feel like a kid at Christmas when I find an important link. I think my family thinks I'm nuts, but it's a passion. What are you passionate about?
This brings me to the idea of leaving a legacy for our children. I don't want to be just a name on a tree - I want my children and grandchildren to know where I stood and what my beliefs were, especially when it comes to faith. That is all I really can leave them. I want to leave them with that because I love them and pray that they stay true to God's word - it will never fail them or you. What will you leave your family?
In Him,
Friday, April 13, 2012
Procrastination - again!
How do I begin? Taxes! I vowed after filing last years return online to be sure, absolutely sure, to file by January 31st this year. That way it would be done and I could sit back and kick my feet up and say, "There - it's done!" thus allowing the world to turn in perfectly organized way. That didn't happen this year, again. My husband and I sat up until well past midnight working on it and discovered we didn't even have all of the necessary paperwork. That puts us in the bottom layer of procrastinators, if there is such a thing. As the tax documents come in, I just put them in a folder to await the day of input. Now my task (The Laundry Fairy wears many hats, wings, whatever) is to track down the missing information. Ugghh. All of this in the middle of life in motion, dental appointments, hair appointments, Girl Scout Meetings, school pick-up, dinner, babysitting and evening school activities.
No matter, it will be done! Mark my words though, next year we will file earlier. Maybe not by January 31st, but earlier than April for sure!
Have a great day! And happy taxing!!
God bless,
No matter, it will be done! Mark my words though, next year we will file earlier. Maybe not by January 31st, but earlier than April for sure!
Have a great day! And happy taxing!!
God bless,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Thursday - Plugged in
Well, we made it through another Wednesday!
Before going to my bible study last night, I went in feeling run down, scattered and just glad to have made it. By the time I left, I was feeling encouraged, energized and ready to do battle. God is amazing like that. We talked about how just like a phone or electronic device, we have to plug into God and his word daily to recharge our batteries. It really is a great visual and one I see every day when I plug my phone up to recharge. I know that when I don't get that time in, I feel less connected to Him and less motivated to help others and less productive at what I do daily. The more days I go without plugging in, the stronger the lack of motivation is and the more I lean on self and my own attempt at wisdom. Then suddenly I realize that I am haven't spent any time with Him and that I am REALLY far behind on what I have been entrusted to do with my home and family. I know that it all goes back to spending that time with God. If I truly put Him first in my life and in my day, everything else falls into place. There is a beautiful and perfect rhythm to everything when you walk in sync with the Creator. Even when the storms of life come, and boy do they come, as long as we seek Him first, He won't let us be washed away.
When you think about God's love for us, it is hard to fathom. We wonder sometimes if He really knows or cares about the little things we face daily and I heard something once that really struck home - have you ever made anything from scratch? Maybe something with clay, paint or wood? Even sewing or crocheting? When you made it, didn't you know the smallest detail like how your finger smoothed the edges of the sculpture, or how a certain paint stroke hit the canvas? If you believe that God created you, then don't you think He knows the finite details of you - His very own creation? I love the way that is laid out. I lean back into that often and it reminds me that nothing is too small or too big for my God.
Be encouraged today that no matter what kind of storm you may be facing, some are quiet and some are like hurricanes, there is One who can handle it and sees what is on the other side of the storm.
This verse brought me strength and hope not too long ago and I hope it will do the same for you.
Psalm 62:5-6
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."
In Him,
Before going to my bible study last night, I went in feeling run down, scattered and just glad to have made it. By the time I left, I was feeling encouraged, energized and ready to do battle. God is amazing like that. We talked about how just like a phone or electronic device, we have to plug into God and his word daily to recharge our batteries. It really is a great visual and one I see every day when I plug my phone up to recharge. I know that when I don't get that time in, I feel less connected to Him and less motivated to help others and less productive at what I do daily. The more days I go without plugging in, the stronger the lack of motivation is and the more I lean on self and my own attempt at wisdom. Then suddenly I realize that I am haven't spent any time with Him and that I am REALLY far behind on what I have been entrusted to do with my home and family. I know that it all goes back to spending that time with God. If I truly put Him first in my life and in my day, everything else falls into place. There is a beautiful and perfect rhythm to everything when you walk in sync with the Creator. Even when the storms of life come, and boy do they come, as long as we seek Him first, He won't let us be washed away.
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Storm of life? |
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The Calm after the Storm |
Be encouraged today that no matter what kind of storm you may be facing, some are quiet and some are like hurricanes, there is One who can handle it and sees what is on the other side of the storm.
This verse brought me strength and hope not too long ago and I hope it will do the same for you.
Psalm 62:5-6
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."
In Him,
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Happy Wednesday to everyone!
Wednesday's are typically crazy around here - and end up being fast food or crockpot kind of days. Crock pot if I have been organized enough to plan my menu. I have to say - life is so much easier when meals are planned! Anyone? Up before it's light (way before) for coffee. Then it's time to wake up the kids and spend the next hour and a half getting ready for school. You can sure tell the days the laundry is caught up because there isn't any bickering. Then spend about an hour driving between 3 different schools to drop off and home again. More coffee. Quiet time - the most important thing of the day. Then it's time to dive into housework, administrative duties, babysitting and other duties as needed. Lunch? After picking up the kiddos from school, it's time for homework, laundry (of course) and dinner. Then it's off to church for youth activities and a bible study for me. By the time I get home, it's almost bedtime. Most Wednesdays are spent in my car burning up that expensive gas - almost up to $4.00 a gallon. Can you say carpool? I know that
when you choose to have a larger family, your schedule gets larger as well so you just have to roll with it. Honestly, I wouldn't trade all the hubbub in our house. It is life in action and precious. I think I actually dread the coming days of empty nest where there won't be any noise in the house. But then, in eight years, more grandkids will probably be running around, so scratch that.
Wednesday's are typically crazy around here - and end up being fast food or crockpot kind of days. Crock pot if I have been organized enough to plan my menu. I have to say - life is so much easier when meals are planned! Anyone? Up before it's light (way before) for coffee. Then it's time to wake up the kids and spend the next hour and a half getting ready for school. You can sure tell the days the laundry is caught up because there isn't any bickering. Then spend about an hour driving between 3 different schools to drop off and home again. More coffee. Quiet time - the most important thing of the day. Then it's time to dive into housework, administrative duties, babysitting and other duties as needed. Lunch? After picking up the kiddos from school, it's time for homework, laundry (of course) and dinner. Then it's off to church for youth activities and a bible study for me. By the time I get home, it's almost bedtime. Most Wednesdays are spent in my car burning up that expensive gas - almost up to $4.00 a gallon. Can you say carpool? I know that
when you choose to have a larger family, your schedule gets larger as well so you just have to roll with it. Honestly, I wouldn't trade all the hubbub in our house. It is life in action and precious. I think I actually dread the coming days of empty nest where there won't be any noise in the house. But then, in eight years, more grandkids will probably be running around, so scratch that.
Maybe this is what we will be doing with the grandkids laundry!
Fun picture don't you think? Although, I am not sure I will be the one scurrying up the mast to hang those things!
~May your Wednesday be bright and uplifting ~
In Him,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
One Day Without Shoes
I wanted to share a fun and meaningful opportunity I had this afternoon. A local business hosted an event with Tom's called "One Day Without Shoes" to raise awareness of children who go without shoes daily. You may have heard of Tom's - for every pair of Tom's shoes purchased, they donate a pair of shoes to a child in another country who is without shoes. My kids love the shoes and really feel like they are helping other kids in need. I know, the skeptic in me usually thinks, "Do the shoes really make it to a child in need?" The answer is a resounding "Yes". One of the High School girls in our church is a contact for this program and she can vouch for it.
This was the first time this business has hosted this event and I would guess about 50 people showed up. The event gave us the opportunity to walk a ways barefoot to raise our awareness of what it must be like. Lots of High School students, Girl Scouts and others showed their support. I hope they do it again next year. I will help promote the cause if they do because it is so worthwhile.
Check out the link below for Tom's and for the One Day Without Shoes. There may be an event in your area you can join. The ODWS link is on the Tom's website. Please check this out!
In Him,
This was the first time this business has hosted this event and I would guess about 50 people showed up. The event gave us the opportunity to walk a ways barefoot to raise our awareness of what it must be like. Lots of High School students, Girl Scouts and others showed their support. I hope they do it again next year. I will help promote the cause if they do because it is so worthwhile.
Check out the link below for Tom's and for the One Day Without Shoes. There may be an event in your area you can join. The ODWS link is on the Tom's website. Please check this out!
In Him,
Bring on Tuesday
Good morning! Kids are at school (except one who is sick with a cold) ,coffee is good and the washer and dryer ran well into the night - such troopers. Still have some laundry waiting for today. I was thinking earlier today about the house I grew up in. It had this magical laundry chute from the second floor that went down into the basement where the laundry room was. As a child, boy was that thing fun! Bless my mother's heart, all sorts of things made it down that chute without injury, including the story of the cat making the trip. I don't actually remember that one, but my siblings retell that one today. I guess I was a good kid only sending notes tied to a string, stuffed animals and probably other things I don't remember. As the Laundry Fairy, I would love to remodel my current house to add a chute. It would make it easier for the kids to get their clothes down (not back up again though) and would sure save energy for me! And my kids are too big to fit each other down a chute so that's one potential scenario eliminated.
On a deeper note, I was thinking about how I wanted to encourage you through this new adventure in blogging and I had lots of clever sayings and thoughts to share, but the one that I go back to time and again is Proverbs 31. For those that don't think the bible deals with the concerns of today, check it out. Today's struggles are nothing new.
Tried and true and never fails to lift me up. There are a few verses that stand out to me every time: Proverbs 31 Epilogue - The Wife of Noble Character -
Verses 10-12 "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life."
Verse 17 "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."
Verse 20 "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
Verses 26-27 "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Verse 30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
The whole Epilogue is what I feel is the complete package of a Godly wife and mother. I strive to be that kind of woman, but always fall short. The beautiful part of that thought, is that I always fall into God's grace. Every day his mercies are new. I pray this encourages you today.
On a deeper note, I was thinking about how I wanted to encourage you through this new adventure in blogging and I had lots of clever sayings and thoughts to share, but the one that I go back to time and again is Proverbs 31. For those that don't think the bible deals with the concerns of today, check it out. Today's struggles are nothing new.
Tried and true and never fails to lift me up. There are a few verses that stand out to me every time: Proverbs 31 Epilogue - The Wife of Noble Character -
Verses 10-12 "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life."
Verse 17 "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."
Verse 20 "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
Verses 26-27 "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Verse 30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
The whole Epilogue is what I feel is the complete package of a Godly wife and mother. I strive to be that kind of woman, but always fall short. The beautiful part of that thought, is that I always fall into God's grace. Every day his mercies are new. I pray this encourages you today.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Woohoo!! I am officially at work as the Laundry Fairy - it is Monday!
I have four beautiful children and one adorable grandchild and an amazing husband so you can bet our laundry room is in constant motion. Oh and we have two dogs too. I don't know about you, but it's a major struggle to keep up, even with my wings! I figure that each person wears approximately 8 articles of clothing a day. In our house, that equals 56 articles of clothing per day. Yikes! My two older kids are just sprouting their own wings (they have their own laundry day and are responsible for their own clothes) and my two younger are still in training (teaching them how to sort, why you don't wash jeans in hot water, etc...). My nickname is the Laundry Fairy, a title which I am sure I share with many. Laundry is a part of daily life and I am personally glad I don't have to go down to the river to do it! Love my modern machinery! If only it could put it away too.
I love my family and I love being a wife, mother and grandmother. There are times of chaos and times of peace, but in all of those times, I try to keep my focus on why I am doing what I am doing- nurturing and teaching my family. My faith in Jesus keeps me going through the chaos and ultimately brings about the peace. I am excited to share with you things I have learned from the generation before me and hopefully learn from you too!
Please feel free to give me feedback
God bless,
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