Happy July! This brings some pretty serious summer heat to Texas and some pretty high electric bills that keep the house somewhat cool. It's been a great summer so far - swimming, going on picnics in the evening when the temps are only two digits versus three, church camps and lots of planning to be more organized! We have saved crickets from drowning, watered flowers that wilted in the Texas heat, eaten popsicles, stayed up late, slept in and had lots of sleepovers so far. Oh and don't forget the One Direction Concert in certain triple digit heat in an outside amphitheater, yes outside! LOTS of screaming girls! Great memories though and the fresh squeezed lemonade was right on time.
The girls are involved in different summer camps and mission trips and it is strange when one is missing from the nest. As we speak,we have one in Florida with a friend and shortly after she comes back, two are leaving for a local mission trip to lead Vacation Bible Schools in the inner city. I am so proud that they are reaching beyond themselves and giving to others.
Have a blessed and cool July - will be posting much more this month!
In Him,