Monday, April 29, 2013

Today is April 29th and it's been how long since I posted anything?  Ages!! I believe it was in the Fall of 2012.   My life has taken a whirlwind tour of transitioning from being a SAHM for 18 years to a full time Mom, Grandmother, Wife, Girl Scout Leader and now a Real Estate Agent.  It's a very long story that would probably put you all to sleep so I will save you the torturous tale.
Making the change to going back to work has opened my eyes to what many of you already struggle with - Balance.  It has become something just out of my reach.  The sayings of "if only there were more hours in a day" or "if only I could duplicate myself" now carry a heavier weight.  The choice to go back to work was a voluntary one so I don't feel entitled to complain, however I am looking for solutions to problems I didn't have before. One in particular:  I don't think I have cooked a dinner at home more than 10 times over the last 6 months.  Those numbers may be slightly exaggerated but not by much, and by dinner I mean dinner food, not breakfast for dinner or Stouffers.  Don't get me wrong, I do like Stouffers and it has gotten me out a pinch or two, but I mean a real home-cooked dinner. 

As much as I said I would not complain and just did so, I love wearing all of the hats I mentioned above.  I love my husband, my girls and my granddaughter and get the satisfaction of learning a new skill that helps people.  I am blessed beyond measure. 

I would love to hear what challenges you have had to face as a working parent and what solutions you have found to work.


In Him,


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