Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Good day to you all!  I didn't have time to post yesterday and barely time today!  This Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) sure hasn't been home much.  So I am behind on everything.  This morning held two dental appointments, delivering Meals on Wheels, putting dinner in the crock pot and now it's off to pick up kids from 3 schools.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not really complaining.  I think the true heroes are the parents who work outside of the home and come home after a long day and still have to take care of the family and home.  My virtual hat is off you my friends. 

There is a group that I think is wonderful and uplifting - I AM SECOND.  It is a rapidly growing movement that emphasizes and teaches on how to put Jesus Christ first and yourself second.  The website link is and it has many video testimonies of famous athletes, performers, musicians and people like you and me.  The stories are real and they will move you.  It will show you that so many in the limelight were in the dark and struggled in so many different ways.  From abuse to addiction and more, they surrendered to Jesus and were brought from the darkness into the light of eternal life.

Colossians 1:13-14   "He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

 Here is one video that is my favorite, being a Texas Rangers fan and all...

Please take a few minutes and check the website out - there are folks from many walks of life.

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In Him,


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